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Study done on february 23, 2003. Here i notice the action of time and acidity of the paper interfering in the drawing, i also see the change of the trace, as my perception has changed. ( NO FILTER ) Whatzapp 71 99161-8108 / cel 99704-4627 Email priscilapimentel11@hotmail.com
I have several books of records of art studies, this is more than 10 years. Always studying... ( NO FILTER ) zap 71 99161-8108 / telegram 71 99704-4627
I have several books of records of art studies, this is more than 10 years. Always studying... ( NO FILTER ) zap 71 99161-8108 / telegram 71 99704-4627
I have several books of records of art studies, this is more than 10 years. Always studying... ( NO FILTER ) zap 71 99161-8108 / telegram 71 99704-4627
I have several books of records of art studies, this is more than 10 years. Always studying... ( NO FILTER ) zap 71 99161-8108 / telegram 71 99704-4627